Learn How to Manifest Money From Your Root Chakra, Heal Your Chakras, Manifest Your Desires & RE-BALANCE Your Life.

This course is designed to support those who want to learn how to manifest money from a healthy and balanced root chakra. This process will teach you how to easily manifest money and abundance in all forms so you can stop stressing and living in fear - this will be ESPECIALLY helpful for you if you're an entrepreneur and don't have a consistent income. It's also for those of you who want to generally tap into chakra healing, learn more about each of your chakras for profound healing and personal growth. And of course, how to easily manifest from each energy centre. Each chakra relates to an area of life, so throughout this course each area of life and all of the topics that go along with it (for example, root chakra is linked to family, home, finances, career, lower back and pelvic health so all of these topics will get a massive uplevel and upgrade - eg, healing of family relationships, career shifts and pivots, salary increases, healing of lower back pain and pelvic issues, learning how to easily manifest money and blessings in life without having to work hard for it, things like this). It's a truly remarkable process.

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Got Questions? Book a free call here so I can answer them 🩷

Do you ever?

💸Worry about money not being consistent in your business and life? Are you scared to spend it when it comes in or overspend (both present as different forms of money trauma)? Do you stress about when clients will book in, how to pay bills and how to create a steady income for yourself?

🪄Do you struggle to manifest? You've done all the things, watched all the videos, done the practises where you burn pages of writing and pray to the moon, but you're still not quite getting how to manifest?

💸Do you feel your energetic hygiene is poor and you are unsure of how to improve it? Your boundaries between work and personal life are wobbly and you take on lot of energy and emotions and stress from clients and people in your life?

🤍Do you feel like you have trauma, pain or stagnant energy trapped in your body and energy field that may be causing issues like; fatigue, eczema, anxiety, depression, sore throats, blurred vision, insomnia, irritability, headaches, physical pain in the body, IBS, digestive issues, panic attacks, and other random or recurring illness's your body may be throwing out at you!?

In this course you will learn...

🧘‍♀️healthy habits

🧘‍♀️create a daily sacred practise that you adore
🧘‍♀️learn how to manifest easily from your chakras
🧘‍♀️gratitude journaling & intention setting
🧘‍♀️heal and clear out all chakras of trauma & blockages
🧘‍♀️accountability & support

What past Chakra Glitter students are saying...



I LOVED this course. It was so practical. The yoga and meditations shared were excellent and really supported integrating the learnings. I have made this a daily practice now and it's part of my morning routine. Having a consistent way to clear and balance the chakras is something that really supports me. You have a great gentle way of imparting knowledge Cora. I was so glad I honoured my inner nudge and signed up for this course! I wish you every success with it.


Loved the info, made super easy to follow and remember. Loved all the activities you gave to try. It was great to try different options to see what aligned more with me. Well strutured calls with a bit of everything, making them interesting, they always went so fast! And obviously your gorgeous self! You are so lovely and really made everyone feel supported, held and heard. Very lovely and welcoming presence which is so important! Thank you Cora 💜




Absolutely loved it.


It was held so well. With respect and honour. Really appreciate your support and all the work you put into it. I have been recommending it to friends already.


Very beautiful and I learned loads. It was lovely to be held in sacred space by such a wonderful, magical woman!x


I loved the course & would highly recommend it. You’ll be so glad that you did it & it is amazing to have access to Cora’s meditations afterwards. They are super powerful & really magical😊


I went from feeling lost and unconnected to balanced and in alignment, creating the life I want for myself. Cora really knows what she's doing and if you're on the fence about signing in, just do it! You won't be disappointed!


Invest in yourself, Cora is amazing, anytime spent in space she holds is invaluable x


Just do it! Cora is a beaming light and she can support you to find your light too!


If you're looking to feel energised and empowered, DO IT!


I have been drawn to learn more about the chakras for some time now. My Mum gifted me a book recently which drew me into learning about them more. When I saw the course I was curious to learn more in a practical sense. This course gave me what I was looking for. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course to others. Personally I LOVED it!


I signed up to Chakra Glitter because I felt lost, and to be quite honest, full of fear for what my future could hold. I felt really disconnected from my intuition and the world around me. Like there was something blocking me from my wants and desires. It's crazy to see how much has change since then. I feel grounded, balanced, and the sense of fear is nearly non existent. And the best of it all is seeing how things I wanted to manifest are happening.


The accessibility of it all - its not some hardcore challenge to connect with our chakras - you made it all look so accessible and 'easy'


I loved the meditation for each chakra! It was by far the most powerful meditation that I’ve ever done. I found them super relaxing and felt they went really deep.


Cora is a special lady anytime spent with her is selfcare x


Working with Cora is magical. Having other women in a group like Chakra Glitter brings special energy and Cora holds a special place for us to grow, learn, evolve, be true to ourselves.


I learned how to harness my inner power and wisdom through my Chakras. It's amazing to feel so connected to myself and empowering too.


I really learnt how the chakra system works and how energy flows. Beforehand I didn’t know the importance of activating and looking after each chakra, e.g. journalling, yoga etc, so to me that is a super important takeaway! Also just the concept of creating a daily practice is something that I have gained from doing Chakra Glitter. Usually months can go by in between doing meditations/yoga/journalling. I’ve learnt from this how important it is to do at least one small thing for myself everyday.


Through my daily yoga and meditation practices I have learned what harmony and balance feels like for each of the chakras. Now I know when I am not in balance what to do and it is so powerful to be able to support myself this way.

In this online course you will learn :


🩷 What your chakras are

🩷 How your chakras relate to different areas of life (eg, root chakra related to finances, family and home. Heart chakra related to love, relationships and self love)

🩷 How to unblock your chakras, unlock the power within them and get your energy flowing in a balanced manner so you can manifest easily and get the results you want

🩷 Release trauma and stagnancy from your chakras with the powerful energy healing meditations that are included

🩷 You'll learn what manifestation is and how to do it

🩷 A simple, basic 3 step process for manifesting anything you desire in life

🩷 Extra manifestation tips & practises including my favorite juicy works every time sex magic manifestation trick!🪄


Monthly Healing and Coaching Call

For accountability and support once a month we will gather in a healing circle on Zoom.

On the monthly live calls you'll receive:

🔥Hot seat coaching and group energy healing 

🔥Individual energy clearings (using emotion/body code) for whoever needs it on the night. These clearings literally clear away all the bad stuff & completely shift your energetic state on the spot!

🔥Group Rahanni, Reiki, Angelic or Shamanic Healing depending on what group needs that month

🔥You can access these transformational calls for up to ONE WHOLE year, no matter if you've finished the course or not, or where you are in the cours

🔥 Time for check in's and Q&A

So once a month will be your time to regroup, check in and see where you're at and how you're going with the process.

You will have access to these calls for ONE WHOLE YEAR! In this course you can move through the chakras as quickly or as slowly as you like. I recommend taking a minimum of 2 weeks to do one chakra, but you can take as long as you wish, spending 1 month on each energy centre and then joining the monthly call to check in and review that chakra and month is also a really beautiful flowy way to move through the course. In this way you can take 8 months to complete the course, 1 chakra a month.

No matter how quickly or slowly you choose to move through the course, you will have one whole year of healing and support every month with me and the group.

8 Channeled Meditations for Releasing Trauma & Blockages from the Chakras 

For each Chakra, you will set an intention for what you want to release (whether this is something physical like lower back pain, liver issues, digestive issues etc or an emotional/energetic block like problems manifesting money) and listen to the healing meditation.

You will then start your daily practise for each chakra, implementing the chakra glitter process. This will get you manifesting clearly from each chakra.

Community Support Group Chat

Meet some beautiful new like minded souls, stay connected and enjoy the sparkly, fun, inspirational group momentum of being in a course like this! This is a wonderful opportunity to make some new friends also who are into the same things and have similar interests :) The buddies you make in a group like this are soul sisters and you will all be together for a reason!


'Heal Your Money Trauma Workshop' with THE Loretta Kennedy, Ireland's only money trauma practitioner. Loretta is a Consultant, Coach,
Speaker and Facilitator for Visionary Female Entrepreneurs. This will help you identify and get to the root of any money trauma or unhelpful patterns that may be lingering or passed down generationally. Check out loretta-kennedy.com for more!


'Learn to Cycle Sync Workshop' with THE 'Womb Witch' aka Jen Kavanagh. Jen is an expert in her field on all things womb wisdom, healing your menstrual cycle, fertility and learning to work with your cycle and all the beautiful stages of it. Jen's work has completely changed how I do business and I can't wait for you to experience this too! Learn all about the different stages of your cycle and what to work on in your business at these times (eg, ovulation/summer phase, host events/record content, outward magnetic expressive energy!). Check out wombwitch.ie for more!

If you struggle with manifestation and specifically manifesting money, this is for you

I absolutely adore teaching this process as it has completely changed my life and it's such a pleasure to share it and see it now transforming the lives of my clients too. Chakra Glitter was born from years of me manifesting chaotically and sporadically and getting results but never knowing quite how I was doing it.😅 I got fed up with this, and slightly frustrated lol! As I wanted to be able to manifest in a more streamlined way, and manifest on demand whenever I wanted. Not just randomly and occasionally! After asking for guidance from Source to clarify this for me, this process was born and I've been using it personally and teaching it since! Using this process, last year I manifested within a week a new home a beautiful cottage which was and is just PERFECT for me and my lil cat! The most perfect first car, the exact amount of rent I wanted to pay on my home (wildly low rent!), a new premises for my Reiki Clinic. I began manifesting money consistently any time I felt like a boost, I have manifested a new relationship into my life, and so much more! This WORKS. It works so well! My process I teach is easy, there is nothing complicated or whimsical about it and it's something you can learn and use for the rest of your life, in all areas of your life. The return on investment in this is absolutely massive for this reason.

I want to join this course today!

Key benefits from this course

🩷 Unblock and heal all chakras (energetic blocks or trauma stuck in your chakras and energy body can be a big factor in why you may have always struggled to manifest in your life before now)

🩷 Learn how to manifest money, abundance and blessings in all forms from your root chakra easily and quickly

🩷 Learn how to call in new love or working on an existing relationship by working on your heart chakra

🩷 Learn how to find and use your beautiful voice by healing the throat chakra. Gain the confidence in your voice you've always dreamed of. (Before I did the throat chakra healing work I could barely speak in front of even family/friends let alone in public! Now I run my own successful business, I speak at events, hold workshops, go live on Instagram, do all of these things I would have NEVER imagined in a million years before I healed my throat chakra🥲)

🩷 Learn how to feel confident in any situation by working on the solar plexus (also this will strengthen your boundaries and willpower as this is linked to the inner masculine/yang energy and solar plexus is the home of the masculine energy - you'll learn aaaaalll about this too!)

🩷 Learn how to strengthen your intuition and connection to Source/the Divine. Learn how to open up your crown chakra and intuitive channel to connect easily and channel and download guidance and divinely inspired ideas for your life and business. Never struggle for inspiration again! Literally! It's like a tap you can turn on, an infinite flow from Source.

🩷 Learn how to boost your creativity and sensuality by healing the sacral chakra. Ideas, creativity and your sacred divine feminine energy will flow freely into all that you do. This is MAGNETIC AF and will draw the right people, situations and opportunities towards you constantly. You won't have to push, force, or struggle any linger - you will attract what is for you with this energy when it flows freely.

🩷 You will learn my simple daily Chakra Glitter process so you can manifest easily what you desire in life. This is something you can do every day, or for a period of a week or two if you'd like a boost in an area of life. You're going to learn this as a vital life skill that is going to be in your tool box forever, you can always come back to it should you need a boost in any area of life - as discussed above.

🩷 You will be able to work closely with me within a fun, sparkly, inspirational group dynamic for up to one year. You can complete this course in 8 weeks if you wish and do 1 chakra per week. Or you could do 1 chakra per month and take 8 months to move through more slowly. The support is there for you when we all gather and check in once a month.


🙇‍♀️ Learn how to ground your energy so you aren't so 'in your head' all the time

🙇‍♀️ Learn simple energy cleansing and protection practises for energetic hygiene so you can create a more abundant and stress free business for yourself.

A little bit about me

Hi, my name is Cora! I am an Irish Healer who is dedicated to sharing Reiki, Energy Healing, Manifestation and Frequency Medicine. I teach that everything is energy and at the root of so many common ailments, injuries and illnesses is simply low frequency energy that can be shifted and cleared to bring the body back to coherence, balance and optimum vitality. I am the founder of the Kenmare Reiki Clinic and Training School in Kenmare, Co. Kerry in the South West of Ireland and am Honorary Secretary on the Board of the Reiki Federation of Ireland. I also write for Brainz magazine (read my Exclusive Interview here!) and I absolutely love sharing my knowledge, tips and tricks on all things manifestation and energy healing with the world.

What kind of results can you get from Chakra Glitter?


Let's do this!

Join Chakra Glitter today and let's take the mystery out of manifesting and get you creating a life you've always dreamt of.

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