'Your Raw Power'



A 6 week online course for BOOSTED energy (re-arrange your entire wardrobe type energised), to radically improve your health & support your immune system, connect with your true desires in life, shift stubborn weight around the tummy/sacral/root area, experience a sensual & sexual awakening, activate beauty from within - a Goddess like golden inner glow and radiance (the way you start to glow with this work is WILD!)


Let's activate and supercharge your Kundalini energy and auric field together over 6 weeks and create a life for you that has you gasping with delight as you tick yet another dream off your vision board.


Book a Free Discovery Call to Learn More
Click Here to Sign Up Now

Get sick less often - Boosted energy

Clear those energy centres and feel revitalized, motivated and ready to conquer the world. Develop a more consistent, steady and grounded energy flow. Learn to clear, protect and self soothe when you get triggered. A healthy nervous system will still get triggered (the goal is not to stop this), but when we learn the tools we can soothe and regulate ourselves rapidly. Activated Kundalini energy means goodbye low energy, low motivation, poor health, fatigue (of course we can all experience these things from time to time that's normal for our human bodies, but I am speaking generally, generally your frequency will be higher and your normal state will be one of VIBRANCY and OPTIMUM health). Just for example, I used to go to the doctor ALL THE TIME. Constantly for sore throats, tonsillitis, broken bones, sprained limbs, wierd infections, coughs, pneumonia, anxiety, stress, depression. Fast forward - I have been to the doctor ONCE since I started working with this energy in 2020 and that was just to get bloods done! Sometimes I think of this and smile at what a different, empowered life I live now compared to before. Activating this energy allows you to live such a different life if you desire, outside of replying on medication, painkillers and bouncing from one ailment to the next, catching every cold and flu that's around. Activating my Kundalini energy been life changing for me. I also struggled with chronic lower back pain (sacral/root chakra trauma after sexual abuse when I was 12) and I lived on strong painkillers, anti inflammatories, and often sleeping tablets so I could rest and get some relief. It was crazy looking back now. This is no longer my reality, I occasionally take 1 paracetamol on day 1 of my bleed, and that's it. Think of how AMAZING a shift like this is for your long term health! Over time. Absolutely life changing.

Find Your Purpose 

Watch your path unfold before your eyes, the steps lighting up one by one as you align with your true desires in life, guided by your awakening Kundalini energy.


Enhanced Health  

Raise your vibration, ward off illness, and attract positive experiences with a stronger energetic field.

Beauty From Within

Strengthen your life force for glowing skin, vibrant hair, and strong nails.

Sensual & Sexual Awakening

Awaken your divine feminine energy, feel connected to your body, and radiate confidence and self-love.

Develop your self confidence

Feel confident. Know your worth. Fall in love with and accept your body, your self and everything you've been through. As this Kundalini energy begins to surge through your body in a way it never has before, you will start to see yourself and your temple body in a very different light. See yourself as the divine, beautiful miracle that you are. Develop a deep understanding and expanded consciousness around the fact that you are infinite consciousness here on a soul journey. In a particular body, in a particular life,in a particular family, for very particular reasons, so unique to you for your Soul's learning, growth and development. When you begin to see yourself in this way, the low self confidence, self esteem, the body hang ups, just don't seem as big or as important anymore. They begin to melt away. The negative voice quietens. Things become softer, quieter in your mind and body. Your greatest wounds and hang ups become your greatest lessons and teachings. I had an eating disorder from when I was 13 until about 23 years old so 10 years. 10 years of torment and self abuse towards my body. The bulimia stopped but it still took me quite a few years to fully heal, all through my 20s I struggled with disordered eating, barely eating all week and then going all out and 'saving up' all my calories for the weekend. My poor body! And mind! Since working with this energy I have truly healed these parts of myself. I love my body, my curves, sometimes my weight goes up a lil bit, sometimes it goes down. Sometimes I'm in a phase of exercising and fitness, sometimes not so much. But none of it effects my worth, my self love. And this is one of the developments that I'm most proud of, getting to this place from where I was felt like a never ending climb, but I did it. And if this is something you struggle with, I KNOW you can too.

Discover your passions and Soul gifts that may very well become your life's work/purpose

Do you have a career that pays the bills but doesn't fulfil you on a Soul level? Do you often ponder how to make money and support yourself doing something more meaningful, something that speaks to your Soul? This course can be that FIRST ALIGNED ACTION step for you in discovering a different path for you. Maybe it's a job change, a career move, maybe it's starting your own business, maybe it's giving up work altogether. Who knows the opportunities that are waiting to line up for you? But you have to take that first step of opening yourself up to the possibility. As this Kundalini energy begins to flow clearly through you, divinely inspired ideas/downloads will flood in from Source/the Universe via your crown chakra. I call this the energy of purpose as it so powerfully connects people to their own purpose and meaning in life. Ping, ping, ping, light bulb moment after lightbulb moment. Doors will open where once you only saw walls. Creative solutions. People stepping out of the walls to offer you opportunities and new beginnings. When you decide you are worthy, and open yourself up to this energy, the Universe delivers ten fold.

"Such an amazing gift! If you are on the fence about taking this course, my advice is to go for it!"

Ann Marie
Relationship Coach

"I really enjoyed the Raw Power course. I’ve never done anything like that before but felt very drawn to it after my initial chat with Cora.

Each week brought me on a different journey and process. Some sessions were quite gentle while others left me feeling more intensity. I felt so vibrant and free during it and had a different level of energy. I journaled between sessions and was really surprised with what came out. It was a gorgeous nurturing process and I think everyone should do it !

I’ve had some major changes in my life since starting the course, job change, pregnancy, clarity in relationships. While it didn’t all happen at once on the course, the kundalini energy definitely helped me to find alignment in my life.

I’m so grateful to Cora for sharing her magic. And hope that the next group gets as much from the course as I did ❤️ 💫"


"I feel amazing today Cora! Even though I'm tired I feel like I've been washed with a new sense of excitement and creativity and confidence. My skin and hair were admired today and I feel like they're glowing ❤️
(post Kundalini activation meditation!)


"The energy moving from my stomach and solar plexus through my phone caused my phone to get so hot it actually stopped working! That is just mind-blowing for me. It was just the most powerful thing. My whole body was boiling hot. At different parts of the Kundalini Activation my body was jerking, my neck and my head were moving over to the right a little. I could feel so much heat, so much energy releasing and stagnation moving through my body. Then there was this deep state of rest towards the end of the meditation. So relaxed. Had the deepest sleep. I woke up feeling brand new this morning. Yesterday I was feeling so depleted of energy. I know all I needed was to move but I didn’t have the energy so thankfully Cora’s Kundalini Activation saved the day!"

Denise Heffernan
Yoga Teacher & Life Coach

"Since working with Cora, I have felt so empowered and grounded. She gave me some advice about simple, easy practises that I can incorporate into my life that help me feel more whole. Since, I have felt more connected to my body and so much more confident. It’s almost hard to imagine how I was living my life before!"

Lara Ni Chuirrín

"Since the Kundalini meditation I have felt an expansion in my creativity and glimmers of sensuality. They are weaving together to illuminate the path ahead.

I have already begun writing the foundation for a reflective book, a new creative course and firmed in my artistic business structure. in addition, my sensuality has begun to bloom again after a time of suppression after having children.

I feel like an absolute goddess at times.

All of this leading to a deeper connection with my love of my soulmate, my art & my life. I am truly grateful Cora!"


"Cora is amazing. I highly recommend working with Cora. Her cacao medicine journey took me deep into my subconscious and I was able to clear old outdated programmes. Cora is kind, soft, caring, trustworthy and genuine. I look forward to working with Cora again soon. Thank you xx!"

Medicine Woman & Healer

"Absolutely magical. My experience with Cora was extremely powerful and so vibrant! My entire energy flow was cleansed and revitalised clearing me of stagnancy and old residue. I have not felt so grounded in a long time, my body feels connected and tethered to the core of the earth. I gained experience with some practices I can use at home to nourish myself each day and continue the magic we experienced during this session. I feel so cleansed, light but strong, confident yet grounded and like I have shed a layer that was no longer serving me! Magical, beautiful, powerful. So grateful for this experience, thank you Cora"

Yoga Teacher

Your Raw Power

A 6 week online course to improve your health, boost your energy and activate and supercharge your Kundalini energy.

Book a Free Call Here to Learn More

The logistics:

We will meet every Wednesday evening for 6 weeks on Zoom commencing on Wednesday 16 October. You can turn up comfy cosy, camera's on, camera's off, this is a safe, gorgeously nourishing space for you to receive beautiful alchemical healing and return fully home to yourself. Calls will be at 7PM IST and will be recorded so you can catch up via our members app at your convenience.

So what's it ACTUALLY like? Read below! ⬇